Wednesday, July 22, 2009

chapel with alec hill

every wednesday, the NSC holds chapel in the lunchroom. each session of chapel is usually opened with a song or two followed by a speaker that has some connection with intervarsity. this week, the speaker was alec hill, the CEO of intervarsity. while his talk was less about his own personal experiences, he shared about the company's statistics from this year (the fiscal year just ended june 30). now, alec hill is actually a pretty big deal in the christian evangelism world. he was just signed on the board of christianity today, a major christian magazine, and he's the CEO of intervarsity, which as 860 chapters throughout north america. since he has just signed on as a board member of christianity today, as he was reading through last month's issue, he noticed about 9 instances of intervarsity, and it was incredible how big of an influence intervarsity is having on people. one of the instances he mentioned was a man he knew who worked in the white house as one of president obama's advisors of faith (or something like that). president obama asked for pointers from the christian aspect as he was writing his speech for cairo, and this man asked alec for his opinion. alec told him what he thought and a couple weeks later, president obama's speech included the very two things that alec had mentioned.

later, alec went on to talk about the statistics of the fiscal year. there have been about 8 campuses that have had 30+ conversions, including smaller chapters like the one at the university of rhode island. he also mentioned that aside from the year that billy graham was involved, this was one of the best years ever in the history of intervarsity. all the numbers for the multi-ethnic and greek ministries were up significantly. and, in light of the recession, while the NSC has had to make some sacrifices, giving for on-campus staff were up. it's amazing that God has really working and providing for His people.

this was just a really refreshing message after researching so much on revelation, eschatology and the end times. it's a wonderful message that God will provide, and a proper response of thankfulness and praise is long overdue.

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