Thursday, August 13, 2009

wrapping up

as my internship here at 2100 productions is drawing to the close, it has become a time of reflection on what God has been teaching me this summer. when i look back to the beginning of the summer, i can't help but think that i've been changed so much, and i can't ignore what God has blessed me with. here are some things that i've learned this summer:

1) it has been such a blessing to learn that God has a place in the work place. throughout the school year, i've really struggled with depending on God and placing my faith in Him in my work. however, seeing my co-workers pray together and study the Word together has been extremely encouraging, and God has proven to me that prayer works- even in the midst of deadlines and frustrating mind blocks. i know that it will still be difficult for me to trust Him and want to do everything myself, but being at intervarsity has really helped my outlook on God being involved in our work, instead of an entity that exists in His own compartment outside of work.

2) working with the other interns has also been very beneficial to me. first of all, i am the least experienced out of all of them, so i know that i have a lot to learn in that regard. however, God exceeded my expectations and taught me both about them and myself. all of the the interns are so completely different, coming from different backgrounds, locations, ethnicities, meyers-briggs, etc. it was difficult and frustrating at first trying to agree on something, but in hindsight, it has also been a huge blessing being able to hear a different aspect that i would have never even crossed my mind. i've learned how to work with other people who are so completely different from me, and i've learned how to work as a team. the last time i remember doing any group work was high school, and one thing i remember was not being able to trust my group members and taking on the entire project myself. however, this summer, because i was so inexperienced and because we were given such a large project, i couldn't do it all myself. i had to trust other people, and it has worked out beautifully.

3) especially after ONS and NISET, i have been especially motivated, inspired and encouraged in ministry on campus, particularly in Greek life. it has become apparent to me that God provided me with a medium for ministry (alpha delta pi), and i never really realized it at first. initially, i thought it would be a good way to network and form social bonds while being philanthropic. however, i never thought that i would be one to use the strong Greek life on campus as a means to sharing my faith. how amazing would it be if my sisters in my sorority were also my sisters in Christ?

4) though i'm no expert, i have definitely gained a lot of experience working around cameras and editing machines. it's impressive to me that this lesson comes way after all of the spiritual things that God has been teaching me. my initial goal in accepting this internship was to gain experience in the work aspect, but little did i know that i would learn so much more than i bargained for.

5) i'm really lucky. not everyone has the opportunities that i get. not everyone is blessed with an internship at intervarsity. and not everyone will learn as much as i did this summer. looking back on everything, i can truly recognize God's hand in my life in the past 11 weeks. with only one more week to go, i'm becoming more and more afraid of the plunge back into a world not filled with Christians, but i'm trying to cling to the Lord and trust that He will take care of everything.

thank you all for your support either financially or through prayer this summer. as you can see, God has answered all of my prayers, and i really couldn't ask for more. praise the Lord for His hand in my life and for blessing me with great friends like you.