Friday, June 5, 2009

first day on the job

i'm just finishing up my first week, which consisted of two days, here at 2100 productions. so far, i've been through lots of orientations and getting acclimated to the environment. knowing me, i've already gotten lost a few times in the building, but it's nothing that time can't fix.

i met my host family yesterday after work, since they were all asleep when i got in on wednesday night and had left when i got up on thursday morning. mrs. hirata (hereby referred to as amy) is a kind-hearted woman with two children, kyra (10) and kaedon (8). the kids are really fun and it has been great getting to know them. i feel so blessed in being paired up with such a great family. i can already tell that i'm going to have a great time.

yesterday, i met the entire 2100 team, had a phone and computer orientation, reviewed the current projects that 2100 is working on, went out to lunch (delicious), had a lighting vignette in which i learned how to light a subject for an interview, and had a tour of the building.

i can't wait to see what today has in store for me!

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