Friday, June 19, 2009

encouragement and blessings

i know it's been a while since i last posted, but the interns have been very busy working on a piece about stewardship. the point of the video is to remind our audience that they really do have money to spare, and that they have resources, but are they using it wisely? since most of the interns are not especially experienced in production, it's been difficult to shoot and edit. we all have such different ideas, and sometimes it's a good thing, but other times, it's difficult to decide which idea to run with and which to scrap. we had a show and tell two days ago in which we presented our script and work in progress to the rest of the 2100 team, and they respond with their feedback. while they had little to say about the filming, their issue with our script was the numbers and specifics.

on wednesday, we went to a bible study. we're going through the book of john in preparation for urbana (which is based off john). lets just say that the entire one-hour session was completely over my head, but it was good just to see people who work together gather for the common purpose of studying God's word. i can see how much the employees of intervarsity thirst to know God more, and i pray for the same thing for myself. that night, the interns were invited by scott and donna wilson (a couple who works at the top of the advancement department) to have dinner at their house. we began with cheese and crackers and moved on to have a wonderful salad/pasta dish made by donna. we chatted and it was so wonderful to see how excited the pair was to have interns at their house. hearing them talk about their past projects helped me to see how much these projects bless both their producers and its audience. hearing their stories has encouraged me to spur on in working on our project despite the bumps in the road.

the interns have gotten to know each other much better, and whenever we have free time, we spend most of our time together. we've planned most of our weekends around some kind of fun activity that will be going on in madison. we may even make trips to surrounding cities such as milwaukee and chicago. just yesterday after work, the interns ordered some food and watched "the godfather" and stayed at the office until 9:30. it was a great time of fellowship for us as we just hung out and enjoyed each others' company. i must say, that hanging out with christians 24/7 is so much different than when i'm at school, and it's been a blessing to be around such awesome people all the time.

back to work...


  1. boo boo, you are very blessed that God has given you this opportunity not only work for 2100 productions but to work with brothers and sisters in Christ. Praise the Lord!!!!
    your old wooden cat

  2. i agree with the previous comment - to be around christians 24/7 is SUCH a blessing! keep up the good work val!
